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Privacy policy

Last modified: 6 May 2024

This privacy policy outlines how Branch Up Pty Ltd (Branch Up) manages personal data collected through its website and products. Registered in Australia, Branch Up values the privacy of its users and commits to handling personal data transparently and responsibly, conforming to applicable laws.

Collection and use of personal data


  • No tracking: We do not passively collect personal data, including through tracking cookies, from visitors of our website.
  • Contact forms: We collect names, emails, company names, and websites only when voluntarily submitted via our contact forms.
  • Licensing: During transactions for licences, we collect names, emails, company names, billing addresses, VAT numbers, and IP addresses necessary for transaction processing and compliance obligations. We use Stripe or Pin Payments for handling payments; credit card details are not stored by us.
  • Records retention: Information provided during transactions is retained for accounting, licensing, and tax compliance purposes.


  • Level Up XP and Level Up Quest: Personal data collected by these products are managed by our customers directly.
  • Level Up Learn: We store names and emails to facilitate user login and access.
  • Telemetry: Our products may send us anonymised usage data.

Data sharing and disclosure

Branch Up does not sell or share your personal data with third parties except as required to process transactions or comply with legal obligations. For payment processing, we partner with entities such as Stripe or Pin Payments that handle transactions on our behalf under strict confidentiality obligations. Additionally, for accounting purposes, we store relevant transaction data in Xero. We ensure all our partners and service providers uphold our rigorous data protection standards and operate in accordance with relevant privacy laws, ensuring your personal information remains secure and confidential.

Data protection and rights

We implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect personal data. You have rights including access to your data, correction, deletion, and the right to restrict or object to processing, in accordance with applicable laws. You may exercise these rights by contacting us directly.

International data transfers

For services involving data processing in various jurisdictions, we ensure all our external service providers adhere to stringent data protection standards that are consistent with international regulatory requirements.

Updates and inquiries

Our privacy policy may be updated to reflect changes in legal or regulatory obligations. Please review periodically. For questions or to raise a complaint regarding data handling, contact us at dpo at branchup dot tech.

This document aims to provide clarity on our data handling practices and your rights concerning your personal data.